How Grief Affects Our Entire Self
By The Austin Hatcher Foundation
How Grief Affects Our Entire Self
Grief Affects Our Entire Self:
- Exhaustion
- Sleep issues: either sleeping too much or sleeping too little
- Eating too much or not eating at all
- Tightness in your throat – feeling like something is stuck in your throat
- Decreased energy or motivation, lack of strength
- Feeling of Emptiness, feelings of apathy, lack of motivation
- Nervousness, anxiety and/or heart palpitations
- Shortness of breath
- Stomach aches – GI issues
- Headaches
- Anxiety, agitation, tension or you may experience lethargy
- Grief can lower your resistance to getting various flu’s, colds, etc.
Feelings are feelings. We experience them and they are often unpredictable, especially in grief. They come and go. They are part of the normal experience of grief.
- Anxiety, anger, disbelief, panic
- Fear, distrust, emptiness, hopelessness
- Sadness- tearfulness, despair, yearning, depression,
- Abandonment, helplessness, loneliness, emptiness,
- Guilt, self-reproach, relief
- Shame, sense of failure
Behavioral Response to Grief:
- Dreams of the decease
- Social withdrawal
- Disorganization
- Poor concentration
- Avoidance of things/places
- Treasuring object of the decease
- Loss of interest in activities
- Lack of feeling or motivation
- Hypersensitivity or Irritability
- Regression in behaviors
- Hostile or Aggressive Behaviors
- Visiting special places
Thoughts Related to Grief:
- Preoccupation with death
- Sense of deceased’s presence
- Personal Death Awareness
- Suicidal ideation
- Why???
- “If (s) he loved me, (s) he wouldn’t have died and left me”
- “Will my family survive?” “Will my marriage survive?”
- “What’s going to happen to me?”