THRIVE Comprehensive Campaign
Building on 16 years of services. Our goal is to grow, extending our reach and impact to serve more families facing a pediatric cancer journey. Your gift today empowers children and families facing pediatric cancer, to cope in the present and thrive in the future.

About the THRIVE Comprehensive Campaign
In 2019, The Austin Hatcher Foundation purchased and remodeled a 33,000 sq ft. space to become the Foundation’s Education Advancement Center (EAC). This center was specifically designed to support the Foundation’s clinical and operational growth in order to serve more children and families.
To move efficiently and increase the much-needed services, we obtained commercial financing with a plan of initiating a capital campaign once the facility was completed and the mission could be visualized. During buildout there were important design elements that were left out due to monetary constraints with the goal of refitting these elements once we were able to effectively execute a capital campaign.
The planning for the THRIVE comprehensive campaign began in 2022, the silent phase for fundraising began in the Spring of 2023 with the official campaign announcement in May 2024. The $5.5M campaign will allow for needed renovations and the completion of important design elements that were delayed during initial construction, give us access to much needed greenspace for Foundation families, and create a sustainability fund to ensure long-term stability and continued growth for the organization.

Improvements to AHF's Education Advancement Center would include- New HVAC, New Roof, and Outdoor Space complete with roll-up doors. Access to Montague Park, adjacent to AHF's property would further align with our vision of needed greenspace for the children and families served by the Foundation.

In 2009 the Foundation opened its first psychosocial clinic in a 2,500 sq. ft. office located in the Erlanger Medical Mall, then grew to 6,000 sq. ft. off 11th street in 2017. In 2019, AHF purchased and built out its existing 33,000 sq. ft. location on South Holtzclaw and within 18 months of opening, paved the way for a 371% increase in clinical services provided and an increase in staff by 100%.
The growth continued in 2022 with a 43% increase in clinical services provided and in 2023 with the value of services provided being over $4.7M. AHF, located in an area of Chattanooga seeing economic revitalization, helped to facilitate that growth with its investment in the current building which provided the opportunity for anchor tenants in the connected warehouse space (ClearStory Arts), along with further development of the connected warehouse space to include single unit, family housing.