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Press Release | Dec 04, 2018

HURST Jeepster Commando Built by Pediatric Cancer Patients Raises Over $150,000 at Auction

By Austin Hatcher Foundation
By The Austin Hatcher Foundation
HURST Jeepster Commando Built by Pediatric Cancer Patients Raises Over $150,000 at Auction
  •  Jeep Sold at Leake Auto Auction in Dallas  
  • Vehicle was Donated to Foundation by Mt. View Auto, Built with Donated Parts from OMIX-ADA

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (Dec. 4, 2018) – One of the most unique and inspiring Industrial Arts Therapy programs undertaken by the Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer has reached a highly successful conclusion. A 2017 HURST Jeepster Commando, modified by pediatric cancer patients, recently raised more than $150,000 at the Dallas Fall Leake Auto Auction in Dallas Market Hall.

The Jeep, which was donated by Mt. View Auto Group in Chattanooga, was painstakingly modified earlier this year with patients and their families serving as the main constructors. Truck ‘N Trailers USA in Chattanooga hosted the build-out sessions while all parts were donated by Omix-ADA, the world’s largest independent manufacturer and wholesale-only company with a full line of Jeep parts and accessories.

Prior to being transported to Dallas, the Jeep was displayed at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas. That high-profile appearance for the vehicle followed trips to several Jeep enthusiast events.

At the Leake Auto Auction, the Jeep sold for $75,000. The anonymous buyer then immediately “re-donated” the ride – and it was sold again, for good, for another $50,000. On top of that, Austin Hatcher Foundation Senior Vice President of Major Gifts, Gary Bennett, donated another $5,000 whereupon four more individuals followed suit.

All proceeds from the auctioning of the Jeep will benefit the foundation’s various programs and services that are provided at no cost to patients and family members, operating out of the foundation’s state-of-the-art Education Advancement Center in downtown Chattanooga.

“This was huge economically, heartwarming emotionally and overall, far beyond what we expected,” Austin Hatcher Foundation President Amy Jo Osborn said. “Thanks go out to Mt. View Auto Group, Rugged Ridge, the Leake Auto Auction, Gary Bennett and of course, to the amazing donor who initially bought the Jeep and then surprised us all by donating it right back to us.

“This was a group effort to say the least and one of the most gratifying results we have ever had in terms of fundraising. Our donors opened not only their wallets but also their hearts, in supporting this project. They are benefactors in the truest sense of the word.”