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Nutritional Needs for Pediatric Cancer Patients

By Austin Hatcher Foundation
By The Austin Hatcher Foundation
Nutritional Needs for Pediatric Cancer Patients

What to eat 

  1. Protein: Getting enough protein can help your child heal faster from the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy, while also helping to prevent infections
  • Examples: cheese, eggs, milk, yogurt, lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, peanut butter, nuts, lentils, and soy

  1. Carbohydrates: Adding whole-grain breads and pastas to a child’s diet will increase fiber intake, helping children feel fuller longer and prevent constipation, a common side effect of cancer treatment.
  • Examples: breads, pasta, potatoes, rice, cereals, fruits, corn, and beans

  1. Fats: Fats are also dense in calories, which is important to a child who might be losing weight during treatments.
  • Examples: Healthy fats found in fish, nuts, olive oil, and vegetables, such as avocados.

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Resource: Fullmer, M. (Ed.). (2022, February). Nutritional needs for kids with cancer (for parents) - nemours kidshealth. KidsHealth.,all%20good%20sources%20of%20protein