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Blog Post | Jun 18, 2024

Pediatric Cancer and Recreational Therapy at the Austin Hatcher Foundation

By Austin Hatcher Foundation
By The Austin Hatcher Foundation
Pediatric Cancer and Recreational Therapy at the Austin Hatcher Foundation

Statistics show that about 1 in 260 children will develop cancer before the age of 20 (American Cancer Society). This year alone, it is anticipated that 9,620 children under the age of 15 will receive a cancer diagnosis (American Cancer Society). However, it is important to remember when a child is diagnosed, they are not walking the journey alone. The entire family receives the diagnosis and will process it differently and on different timelines. Many family members find themselves internalizing complex emotions related to treatment, lifestyle changes, and decision-making. While much of the focus is placed on the diagnosed child and the long-term impacts cancer has on them, parents and siblings also face unique challenges that should be addressed throughout the lifespan.

In recent years, it has been hard to consume media without seeing tips on how to improve your overall wellness, but how do we focus on wellness when our loved one is facing a potentially life-threatening disease? How do caretakers, siblings, and pediatric cancer survivors transition out of survival mode to live despite the anxieties and trauma a cancer diagnosis brings? How do bereaved parents or siblings learn to live after loss? How do we re-establish family norms and boundaries when our family hasn’t known “normal” for an extended period?

The Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer aims to address all of these concerns by providing 100% free psychosocial services to any family impacted by pediatric cancer. For the past 17 years, the Austin Hatcher Foundation has been made up of a versatile clinical team that includes counselors, therapists, psychologists, occupational therapists, nursing clinical liaisons, practitioners with child and family development degrees concentrated in child life, and music therapists. In 2023, the Foundation expanded its team by adding Recreational Therapy to the list of services offered.

The Importance of Recreational Therapy at the Austin Hatcher Foundation

Mindy doing a recreational therapy activity at AHF

Recreational Therapy at the Austin Hatcher Foundation plays a crucial role in supporting children with cancer and their families. This therapy is not just an activity but a lifeline that offers a sense of normalcy and joy during a challenging time. For families facing the emotional and physical toll of pediatric cancer, recreational therapy provides a much-needed respite and a way to cope with the stress and trauma associated with the illness.

At the Austin Hatcher Foundation, Recreational Therapy is designed to address the unique needs of each child and family. By engaging in tailored activities, children can experience moments of happiness and creativity, which are essential for their overall well-being. These therapeutic sessions help in reducing anxiety, improving mood, and fostering a positive outlook, which are critical in the fight against cancer.

Moreover, recreational therapy serves as a bonding opportunity for families. It creates a space where parents and siblings can interact with the child in a fun and relaxed environment, strengthening family ties and building cherished memories. This holistic approach is vital as it supports the emotional and psychological health of the entire family, not just the child undergoing treatment.

Emotional and Psychological Support: Recreational therapy helps reduce anxiety, improve mood, and foster a positive outlook. For children undergoing treatment, engaging in fun and creative activities provides an essential distraction from the rigors of medical procedures and helps them cope with complex emotions such as anxiety, anger, or depression.

Family Bonding: These therapeutic activities create opportunities for families to bond and interact in a relaxed environment. Parents and siblings can connect with the child through shared experiences, strengthening family ties, and building cherished memories. This holistic approach is crucial for the emotional and psychological health of the entire family.

Holistic Healing: Recreational therapy at the Austin Hatcher Foundation addresses the needs of the whole person, promoting overall wellness and resilience. Through individualized and group sessions, families learn and practice relaxation techniques, develop healthy living skills, and explore leisure pursuits that enhance their quality of life.

Support for Caregivers: Caregivers often face immense stress and burnout. Recreational therapy provides them with much-needed respite and social opportunities, helping them recharge and better support their loved ones. Programs such as day and summer camps, Parent’s Night Out, and Teen Nights offer valuable breaks and chances to connect with others facing similar challenges.

The Role of Mindy Brown in Recreational Therapy

Mindy Brown joined the team at the Austin Hatcher Foundation with a B.S. and M.S. in Therapeutic Recreation from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and a decade of experience as a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist. Mindy brings a wealth of knowledge and passion to her role. She collaborates with various clinical team members to develop digital content, provide programming, and offer individualized activity-based interventions that support the wellness of children and their families.

Mindy works closely with the clinical team to create comprehensive programs that address the diverse needs of families. From providing diversionary therapy services in hospitals to organizing community events like Road Atlanta and Cosmic Odyssey, her work ensures that families have access to unique and enriching experiences.

The Austin Hatcher Foundation recognizes the profound impact Recreational Therapy has on healing and recovery. By integrating these therapeutic activities into its comprehensive care model, the foundation ensures that every child and family receives the emotional and social support they need, alongside medical treatments. This commitment to holistic care underscores the importance of recreational therapy in improving the quality of life for children with cancer and their loved ones.

Whether in individual sessions or group settings, Mindy is dedicated to improving the overall wellness of families impacted by pediatric cancer. Her work exemplifies the Austin Hatcher Foundation’s commitment to holistic, family-centered care.

For more information on Recreational Therapy or to contact Mindy Brown, please email