Austin Hatcher Foundation Launches THRIVE Comprehensive Campaign to Empower Families Facing Pediatric Cancer to Thrive
- Building on 16 years of service, the Foundation aims to extend its reach and impact with a $5.5 million “THRIVE” Comprehensive Campaign
- 50% of campaign funds raised during “Silent phase”
Chattanooga, Tenn- May 22, 2024 - The Austin Hatcher Foundation for Pediatric Cancer is excited to announce the launch of its THRIVE Comprehensive Campaign, aimed at extending the Foundation’s reach and impact to serve more families facing a pediatric cancer journey.
The Austin Hatcher Foundation is a leading nonprofit organization committed to helping families impacted by childhood cancer at no cost, for the entire family’s entire lifetime. The Foundation provides comprehensive, coordinated care through evidence-based therapies, counseling, family programs, grief groups, educational resources, and more, fostering resilience and hope for families. Since 2006, the Foundation has provided over $30 million in valued services and support to over 90,000 individuals in 23 states and 42 children’s hospitals.

“THRIVE” is a $5.5 million comprehensive campaign, aimed at ensuring short and long-term sustainability for the Foundation and enhancing the Foundation's Education Advancement Center in Chattanooga Tennessee, which includes providing access to outdoor greenspace at Montague Park for Foundation patients.
In 2019, the Austin Hatcher Foundation moved from its previous 6,000 sq. ft. office on 11th Street and purchased and remodeled a 33,000 sq. ft. space to become the Foundation’s Education Advancement Center. This center was specifically designed to support the Foundation’s clinical growth.

"We are thrilled to launch the public phase of the Foundation’s THRIVE Comprehensive Campaign, a transformative initiative dedicated to sustainability, access to green space, and vital capital upgrades,” said Foundation co-founder and CEO, Amy Jo Osborn. “This campaign embodies our commitment to fostering a healthier, more sustainable environment for our community and families. By creating access to green spaces and investing in sustainable practices, we are not only improving the quality of life today for our families, but also ensuring a vibrant and resilient future for generations to come."
The THRIVE Comprehensive Campaign represents a pivotal moment in the Austin Hatcher Foundation's 16-year history, building on its legacy of service and commitment to erasing the effects of childhood cancer. Through strategic investments, the Foundation seeks to amplify its mission of empowering families to cope in the present and thrive in the future.
"Our ultimate goal with the THRIVE campaign is to extend our reach and impact, ensuring that every child and family facing pediatric cancer receives the support and resources they need," said Melanie Hammontree, Director of Development at the Austin Hatcher Foundation. “The Foundation’s innovative programs focus on improving the quality of life during and after treatment, helping families navigate challenges, and empowering children to thrive beyond cancer. Funds raised through this campaign will enable the clinical team to continue the Foundation’s invaluable work and expand services as needed.”

The key priorities of the THRIVE campaign include:
- Capital Investments and Improvements
- Access to greenspace
- Long-Term Sustainability
“The THRIVE Comprehensive campaign represents our commitment to reaching more children and families affected by pediatric cancer, empowering them to thrive in the face of adversity,” said Osborn. “Our expansion into a larger facility amidst the challenges of the 2020 pandemic underscores our unwavering dedication to growth and service. In 2021, the Foundation experienced a remarkable 371% increase in clinical services, a testament to our ability to adapt and expand our impact.”
As of May 2024, AHF has raised $2.8 million of its $5.5 million campaign goal. Donors are encouraged to join the THRIVE campaign today and empower families facing pediatric cancer to thrive.
"The generous support from the community, at every level, is instrumental,” said Osborn. “As we embark on the THRIVE Comprehensive Campaign, we invite you to join us in this transformative endeavor, ensuring that every child facing cancer and every family member receives the comprehensive care and support they deserve.”
The Foundation aims to secure $5.5 million in commitments by the end of September 2024, Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, which provides an amazing opportunity for donors to have a meaningful impact on the lives of families facing pediatric cancer.
For more information about the THRIVE Comprehensive Campaign and how to support it, visit